Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Netroots Nation Day 1

Okay, here is post 1 about my trip to NN08!
I got to SLC about midnight and met my friend Chris's mom, Lordes. She is very interesting, her house is filled with stuff, all kinds of stuff. Ranging from cheap crap to very expensive foreign dolls, this place is packed. I slept with, gah! of all things, a bed full of elephants.

You know what they say..."if you lie with the dogs, you will get flees". I don't know just what I'll get from sleeping with elephants.

So I got to Phoenix about 6:40 am. I had breakfast with my friend Ellen.

I had very nice conversations on the flights with lovely people. One is Affton a BYU student, and another was Linda, a woman from California.

We talked the whole time on the planes and really didn't get bored for a moment. it is nice to meet new people, and it was a treat that I sat next to them.

I got to Austin about 1:40 pm and got my suitcase and then met up with Dorothy from Hawaii. We took a taxi ride to the hotel. I checked in, took a shower and then had a minor emergency!
The cord to charge my computer was dead and I couldn't charge my computer! So I took at $12 cab ride to the place where I could get one, and $45 later, I had a new charger. The guy at the hotel said it would cost just $.050 to ride the #3 bus back to the hotel, but I couldn't find the bus stop, so I decided to walk. I was on 26th st, and the hotel is on 3rd and over about 6 blocks. I wasn't thinking right when I realized that this is about 3 miles! It was humid and about 95 degrees outside, but I walked back to the hotel. Here were some of the sites I saw walking back to my hotel.

I was carrying my purse and my computer, and I was sweating like a pig...just look at my shirt when I got back.

Then I went back to the hotel. changed my shirt and blogged a bit.

Then I went to the BurntOrange party. It hadn't started yet, so I got a fat tire beer and talked to a local regular about the soccor game on TV.

I went outside where I met some wonderful people. I met Greg from MT and a local Austinite who has some great ideas about precinct grassroots organizing. Greg from MT and I talked a bit about rural politics, and MT. There was another guy there who was cool who was wearing a gree O*bama shirt and responsible for a cool flier I want to post on my door in the hotel. It says "Democracy begins at Home" and has suggestions on organizing neighborhoods.

During the BurntOrange party I met the founders of Drinking Liberally! Here they are. Greg is in the middle, and I forget the guy on the left's name, but you can look it up by going to
I got swag bag and was so starving, I ate the fortune cookie right away. Check out this fortune..."For some sad reason, you still have high hopes for Ron Paul". So I taped it to a postcard I'm sending to a friend.

Well, I'm off again. I'll post more later.

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