Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Netroots Nation Day 1
Okay, here is post 1 about my trip to NN08!
I got to SLC about midnight and met my friend Chris's mom, Lordes. She is very interesting, her house is filled with stuff, all kinds of stuff. Ranging from cheap crap to very expensive foreign dolls, this place is packed. I slept with, gah! of all things, a bed full of elephants.
You know what they say..."if you lie with the dogs, you will get flees". I don't know just what I'll get from sleeping with elephants.
So I got to Phoenix about 6:40 am. I had breakfast with my friend Ellen.
I had very nice conversations on the flights with lovely people. One is Affton a BYU student, and another was Linda, a woman from California.
We talked the whole time on the planes and really didn't get bored for a moment. it is nice to meet new people, and it was a treat that I sat next to them.
I got to Austin about 1:40 pm and got my suitcase and then met up with Dorothy from Hawaii. We took a taxi ride to the hotel. I checked in, took a shower and then had a minor emergency!
The cord to charge my computer was dead and I couldn't charge my computer! So I took at $12 cab ride to the place where I could get one, and $45 later, I had a new charger. The guy at the hotel said it would cost just $.050 to ride the #3 bus back to the hotel, but I couldn't find the bus stop, so I decided to walk. I was on 26th st, and the hotel is on 3rd and over about 6 blocks. I wasn't thinking right when I realized that this is about 3 miles! It was humid and about 95 degrees outside, but I walked back to the hotel. Here were some of the sites I saw walking back to my hotel.
I was carrying my purse and my computer, and I was sweating like a pig...just look at my shirt when I got back.
Then I went back to the hotel. changed my shirt and blogged a bit.
Then I went to the BurntOrange party. It hadn't started yet, so I got a fat tire beer and talked to a local regular about the soccor game on TV.
During the BurntOrange party I met the founders of Drinking Liberally! Here they are. Greg is in the middle, and I forget the guy on the left's name, but you can look it up by going to drinkingliberally.org.
Well, I'm off again. I'll post more later.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
More on racism and wealth
Yes, the rich are getting richer
And also, the top 6.37% of Americans are making one third of all the income in America.
So these facts, however positive they may seem to African Americans' economic improvement, they are masking that African Americans are still making just 60% of White Americans, and the continued economic inequality in America.
For African Americans in households earning $100,000 or more annually, that rate increased to 7.4%, up from 6.5% of those polled, or 1.275 million, up from 1.089 million. The number of households earning more than $100,000 annually increased to 12.7% or 16.31 million in 2001, up from 11.9% or 14.89 million people in 2000. 2000 2001 |
Racism's complexities
Saturday, July 12, 2008
My favorite video, of late
Democrats in 50 states are taking to the street... |
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
My Online Schedule
wake up-drink water
check e-mail(s)...reply to e-mails
Check Daily Kos
Check other blogs/news
Check E-mail
Eat breakfast
Check e-mail/Daily Kos
Make daily plans
check e-mails and Daily Kos, and democrats.org
Write, or start to write something
Look through books on activism
think about sewing
mess with computer set up
make ipod playlist
Water Garden/weed garden
Check email/Daily Kos
Surf around, read pollster.com, polling report, fivethirtyeight.com, democrats.org.
Yes sometimes I go to work, and make a lot of phone calls.
Monday, July 7, 2008
I believe this is too true.
You Americans Aren't Selfish Enough
Sunday, July 6, 2008
It Sounds Like A War Outside
But since yesterday was Independence Day I thought back about how I have spent my past Fourth of Julys.
For the last 2 years I went to my local bar's party and hung out with new people. But before that, I spent time with some veterans to see just how these super patriotic families celebrate.
I spent the 4th with Anita, Sonia, and Tom. Tom and Anita are Veterans. I would also add that both his son and daughter joined the military and have been sent to war, just like both Anita and Tom. I dated his daughter for awhile right before she was sent to Afganistan. His son, Mike, also joined the military and was sent to Iraq. When he was sent, he had two sons, a 2-yr-old and a 4-yr-old. In Iraq he had 3 of his fingers blown off, and part of his head. while the Army surgeons did a great job, everytime I think of Iraq, or Mike, I think of what this man gave up and the reasons he did.
We BBQed, and jumped on the trampoline. But about dark, I learned more about what it means to be a veteran. In Vietnam, Tom helped spray agent orange, and got sprayed himself. Because of his time in Vietnam, he has PTSD, and while we loved watching the Army Marching Band, and the fireworks on TV, at dusk I saw something different happen.
While his wife, Anita, and the 5 puppies went outside to sit and listen to the fireworks. But before we went outside I helped in the 4th of July ritual. We had to close all the windows and drapes, and make sure he was situated with plenty of pillows and blankets. Then he locked himself in the room with some headphones and an Ipod.
As we were sitting out on the porch alone, I learned that because of his PTSD, the 4th of July is a bad time for him. Fireworks sound like bombs and give him flashbacks to being in war. He has to listen to music and put the pillows over his head. Even the flashing lights can give him flashbacks, and when they come he can be disfunctional for a week.
It is strange to me that Americans would celebrate our Indepencence by reenacting war. We could be doing more like NPR, reading the Delcaration of Independence and Constitutuion, leanring more about our own form of government and the founders, but instead we put on a theatric imitation of war. We didn't become who we are because of war, be became America because of the ideas and committment of our founders. It wasn't death that made this country, it was life.
I think fireworks can be cool sometimes, like for new years eve, or other special occasions, but it seems counter-intuitive to celebrate the 4th how we do.