Friday, December 23, 2016

Were the national solidarity sing-a-longs a result of cheesy breadsticks?

 Had a dream last night that James Haggar was appointed as the bi-partisan President because Trump was unfit. I was somehow sent to the White House as a representative of ideas to help build a more united country. 

Five people each had 3 minutes to pitch. I got "mansplained" (but by a White Academic) over by the person ahead of me and didn't get to pitch. All the ideas were really abstract and not immediately actionable. 

After the meeting, as President-select Haggar was leaving I whipped out some cheesy breadsticks to share. When I fed my competitors, they shut up so I had time to pitch. 

My idea was a series of sing-a-longs to build solidarity. And it was accepted immediately.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

The Aliens + Drag Queen bar!

 I had the coolest dream last night. I purchased a bar and turned it into a gay bar & restaurant. 

It was in a place where it served drinks on the weekdays, but was a restaurant on the weekends when people were more likely to be staying in the hotel. 

There was a stage, and I had a mix of aliens and drag queens performing. 

The queen bee was a gorilla with octopus tentacles for legs. 

There was lots of 20's jazz featured, and the place was popular with single ladies who wanted fruity margaritas and a patio (which faced a freeway). 

At one point we had to use our alien/drag makeup skills to hide someone from a bad boyfriend. Anyway, it was a super-fun place to be, in dreamland.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Just a chat with Bernie

 Had a nice chat with Bernie Sanders in my dream last night. I put together an event in NH with college students, something Gabrielle is going to have to do in Ohio, I hope!

Friday, January 1, 2016

The LSAT in DC is 50% longer and requires Shonda Rimes knowledge.

Last night I dreamt I was proctoring the LSAT for the people from "How to get away with Murder." They warned me that in DC the LSAT is 50% longer. Their was also a part of the test that required them so solve a problem with 3 yards of fabric. After the test I got a bunch of beautiful red velvet that I made into a dress for Olivia Pope (from Scandal). It was asymmetrical and had silver trim.

I had a second dream last night I was in Austin and at a karaoke bar like a Japanese grille but instead of chefs, the stations had a microphone that was passed around. I left to get on a boat to get up close to orcas which were the size of blue whales or larger. We had to get out of their way because they were attacking ships. I think watching The Heart of the Sea may have inspired my strange dream.