In my dream last night, I was Xena but my head was removed and put in a different body. I was kidnapped and forced to have a baby. I was kept at a daycare where the Bannock County Courthouse is. I was trying to find ways to escape and take my baby with me but all my plans were thwarted. Finally, the nanny and I figured out how we could call the police by using a bag of sugar to trick the kidnapper into thinking he was holding a baby, so we could make a run for it.
There were 3 people and 2 babies. The kidnapper knew that if I was holding a baby, I couldn't run or fight. If he was holding the baby, I wouldn't run because I'd have to leave the baby. The nanny had a baby too, but it was kind of the same thing. By making him think he had a baby, we could both be free to run with the babies!