Saturday, October 24, 2020

If only RGB had retired before dying. I'm still mad.

 Last night, I stole a shopping cart, found a bunch of used socks that I was going to wash and wear, and also worked with RGB in her last days to plan a retirement party. It was a fun night.

Monday, August 31, 2020

Dreams of college and when my friends were gods.

 Last night I had a dream that Ellen became a goddess with unlimited powers. I was at this weird theater place and a bunch of folks were doing a mannequin challenge with ticker tape everywhere. I was shamed for not "getting the memo" and I was like "we must be here for different conventions" and at the same time we said to one another "I'm here for the American Young Professional Association". Then we did some playing and I went back to my hotel room. 

I was staying in a place that was Katrina's but since she got married was empty so I was staying there. It was more like a prison cell with a half-wall instead of a full wall but was made kinda homey with lights and curtains. Some lady down the hall was yelling "be quiet" but I was trying to set up a radio so I could join a DSA meeting. When I got on the meeting, Lauren and Brian had choreographed a rolling chair dance and I was so impressed! 

Then Ellen decided to flex her god muscles. First she tried giving people everything they "wanted" - and they self destructed and she burned them all down like Rome. They were all sitting in the stands of the colosseum and some weird partition rose up and lava filled the space and killed all the people. 

So then she started over with the boring people (like me) and gave us everything we "need." Everybody's physical and emotional health needs were met. So we went to check on the WAP performers to find out what happened, but they were the same, only they had more agency and power. They found their sex-positive message was the same.

 So then we turned up the power to see if women having power would be the same as men having power, and things turned out poorly. Turns out people aren't the problem, power inequality was. So then Ellen decided it to flood this version instead of burning this down. I swam to the top of the coliseum and turned out we were just in a system, kind of like Cabin in the Woods, but Ellen was in charge. It wasn't scary but it was an interesting morality play.