I’m thinking of a lot of things right now. I’ve been going through my notes on my first introduction to power and how it works against people.
She is thinking about war, what it is, how it works, the people and industries involved and why it is hard to end it.
She is thinking about gender, how it is constructed, and the systems that keep it working mostly to the disadvantage of women and children.
She is looking at the soul of veterans, not just the ones in war, but the ones of the social change movements.
She is wondering how IPSA can re-imagion itself and bring back to a core of understanding we are fighting power. We use service as a reactionary instant relief, but if we only treat symptoms then we aren’t fixing things. We need to remember it goes further. It is only one strategy, and is nesseccary, but not the end of our work.
She is thinking that time is what she needs. Time with others.
She needs to talk right now, but she has other pressing engagements as part of her work that it won’t happen yet. Yet.
IPSA/progressive organization alliance of Pocatello.
Film Group
Groups to invite
Open Spaces Committee
Poky Free Bikes
Human Rights Committee
City Environmental Advisory Board
Concerned Citizens
Church Women
Anderson Center
Aid for Friends
Community Garden group
City Recyling Group
League of Conservative Voters-Conservation League
Public Library
City Services/environmental fair group
Idaho Rivers United
District 6 health department
Food Bank
ICAN in poky
Idaho Equality Committee
NAU/Tribal Government
Genesis Project
Rural Health
Black Music Sunday: Some tunes about time as the times are a-changin’
It’s that time again, when most of the United States begins to observe daylight
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