The Idaho Budget as a Moral Document.
Despite its complexity, the Idaho budget is essentially a moral document--the specific expression of the values of the state.
This week the Idaho State Legislature begins deciding on the budget. Where we place education is of extreme importance.
"A popular government without popular information or the means of acquiring it is but a prologue to Farce or Tragedy or perhaps both. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance, and a people who mean to be their own Governors must arm themselves with the power knowledge gives."-James Madison
If we are trying to keep our republic, we must weigh heavily our commitment to it through arming our children with a quality education. And when those children are prepared for a higher education, we must make sure it is accessible, even to the least of these, by keeping the cost as low as possible.
To those legislatures who are planning the demise of our republic, we must not allow them to gut education in Idaho. They say “if the money comes in, then we can spend it,” but they have not promised us in any way that the money will go to education.
And even more scary is that once we have fallen behind in education, that can never be made up. Now is the only time we have.
Please call your representative immediately and let them know that public education in Idaho is of high value and important to the very subsidence of our republic. Watch how they vote. And then hold them accountable. If they don’t share your values, find someone who does and elect them.
And plan on attending the Rally for Public Education on the Idaho capital steps Thursday, March 11th. Make sure you work out a make-up assignment with teachers, many who are sympathetic to the cause. Lunch is provided and ASISU is finding a way to pay for the buses.
Now is the only chance we have this year to make a difference that will affect your pocket book next semester.
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