I've been to all but 3 states
I lived in a tent for a summer, in TX and in Idaho - doing archeology
I've lived with a gay legislator from MN for 2 weeks
I've lived with environmental activists
I've moved over 1k miles away to a strange place
I have an art degree - and was an assistant designer in los angeles
I was at the inauguration of our first AA president - where I randomly met people I knew from Idaho.
I was a news director for a local NPR affiliate.
I've met the president - in NV
I've gone to Mexico to do environmental work - and lay on a beach
My best friend lives in another continent!
I've organized a protest with over 500 students
I've been married - and divorced.
I went to Muppetfest
I was a crisis counselor and saw horrific violence
I've worked at a women's center and met some amazing survivors.
I was youth organizer of the year for the state of Idaho
I've won the governor's volunteer award in Iowa
I worked against Michelle Bachman
I elected Mark Dayton - and helped a great female candidate along the way
I survived the 2010 election.
I've gone whitewater rafting
I've jumped off a cliff because everybody else did - and broke my foot
My hair has been blue, pink, purple, green, orange, red, yellow, and white
I've had clothing I made worn by celebrities
I've been on the front page of a national blog (Daily Kos)
I've won scholarships
I've been on the honor roll
I graduated at 17 from high school
I've lived in a Peace House with hippies (Love you David and Matt)
I've been vegetarian
I've had a Dominatrix
Been in Love - had my heart broken
And am practicing for a flash mob.
Things I still want to do
Shave my head
Learn to sing
Be in a play
Teach sewing lessons
Go to India and France
Visit those last 3 states!
Go for an extended bike-ride (several days)
Buy car from the dealer
Have my own garden - and know what I am doing
Black Music Sunday: Some tunes about time as the times are a-changin’
It’s that time again, when most of the United States begins to observe daylight
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