So, I have two job opportunities for my short-term future.
1. A position at the city housing office as a secretary. The job would start Monday, the 21st and go through mid-Febrary 2012 - just in time for even more campaign jobs to kick up.
Positives: Twice as much money as I make now, A chance to interact with local and federal housing policies, practice new skills, not have to think so much, get to stick around for "science cafes"
Negatives: strong commitment (I couldn't leave town), full-time leaves less time to spend working on grad school applications and career-oriented work, kind of monotonous work
2. Changing to part-time work at the position I have now.
Positives: make the same amount of money but work half the time, get to complete some projects I have been working toward, I love the work, can take another temp part-time job to supplement income, at-will employment (low commitment), time to work on grad-school applications and apply for career jobs, don't have to move during the winter (yay!), will be available to make Science Cafe happen!
negatives: doing the same old thing, not learning anything too new, still in Dubuque.
Money is not the most important part. I live on so little as it is. But I wouldn't be getting ahead in the short term. Money is important when I am ready to move to Madison and get my car fixed sooner. If I did have money, I could pay off my car right away - which would get rid of a bill which frees up money to pay toward student loans sooner, and leaves me even more free later to work for less pay - if necessary.
I dunno what I want to do. I think I should sleep on it. I am also soliciting advice from friends. Please chime in if you have an obvious choice you would make.
Black Music Sunday: Some tunes about time as the times are a-changin’
It’s that time again, when most of the United States begins to observe daylight
saving time, in which we “spring forward;” setting our clocks ahead for an...
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