Friday, October 27, 2017

Drag show & a Boat Show

 Last night I dreamt I went to a drag show in Idaho Falls at Greenway in the middle of winter. It was hosted by McDonalds, and the DJ was riding on a boat in a bikini. But they were eating McDonalds hot food, so I guess the dancers were okay.

I Dream in Feminism

 Real quote from a book in my dream last night, "used this pen to pick which outfit you (as the first Lego woman president) will wear when you go to sign the world peace agreement at the UN." 

Yes, I had a dream that they released a first female POTUS toy and Barbie-fied it to where they taught girls that picking your outfit was how you play with her. Then James Hayes-Bohanan saved me and some other people from a scary hologram because he was volunteering as a museum guide at the premier party. #IdreamInFeminism

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Extraterrestrial Grifting Adventure

 The other night I had a dream I got sucked into an extraterrestrial gang of grifters and I ended up conning their leader to get what I wanted. And we were in tents.

Some of the grifters were muppets, which made it especially cool. 

Friday, October 6, 2017

This is what Democracy Dying looks like

 Had three dreams last night. First I had a Christmas party for all my old interns from the Energy Challenge. It was at my childhood home and we all got very very drunk and danced. 

The second was that my brother (who died in 1986) had lived but died this year and I had to organize his funeral.  

Third, I mistakenly got in a van with some of the political women in the region. The driver went underwater and I thought she had taken us to Puerto Rico, but it was just Washington DC. We then got out and we’re talking to people about Setti Warren (primary candidate for MA gov) at a Bob Massie rally (another primary candidate). We also were touring a part of DC that desperately needed to be torn down and made into public housing. There were all these neglects community gardens, and buildings that looked like they had been destroyed by tornadoes. The comment on them was “this is what democracy’s dying looks like.”