I've had a bad day. Well, not really. I've been in a bad mood despite having a reasonably good day. I get excited reading through all the jobs I am qualified for and would enjoy doing, but I am too tired at the end of the day to apply for any of them. My resume is in order, but writing the cover letter, and tweeking the resume for each job description to highlight why I would be good at that job is very tiring. I am not scared I won't have a job come November. I know I have rent covered for Nov, and December, but I don't know what I am going to be doing for Christmas because traveling back to Idaho may not be on my agenda since I may be moving across the country, either north, south, east or west. Being in the midwest means there are only more directions I could go. Deciding what jobs I could really be happy to do is also hard. Lots of non-profits have great missions I agree with, but few really speak to me. And which ones have the option for graduate school? It is all mixed up in my head as to my future, but I'm sure I'm going to make the right choice. Being young, with no major bills, having everything that fits in my car, and being free to move wherever opportunity may take me is just as scary as having no options. I wish I could just find the right job in Wisconsin. That would be the easiest choice. Milwaukee or Madison is where I need to go. Minneapolis is up there too, but I doubt I fit the Humphrey Institute as well as I would like. I want to go where I can be an anthropologist, where I can use my thinking, but have clear enough job duties that I can accomplish something tangible. My job now is good work, but it isn't always easy to tell what a good day is. In other jobs, with clearer objectives, it is so much easier.
Eating grapes has made me have a sugar high. Or I may be allergic to them and this is my body going into some sort of shock. Just writing this makes me feel better. Not an insightful blog post, but just something so I don't have to look at the last story about robots anymore.
Black Music Sunday: Some tunes about time as the times are a-changin’
It’s that time again, when most of the United States begins to observe daylight
saving time, in which we “spring forward;” setting our clocks ahead for an...
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